Author/Title |
Research Type |
Related Fields |
Chon, Ryan. In press. Reconstructing the Proto-Pahoturi consonantal inventory: historical phonology in Southern New Guinea and beyond. Oceanic Linguistics 64(1). Mānoa: University of Hawai‘i Press. |
Publications, Journal Articles |
Comparative Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Phonology, Typology |
Publication brochure from J. Benjamins for Bilingualism, Language Development and Processing across the Lifespan |
Publications, Books |
Bilingualism, First Language Acquisition, Grammar, Indo-European Languages, Language Development, Morphology, Phonology, Second Language Acquisition, Sentence Processing, Syntax |
Squizzero, R. (2018, April). Bull or bowl? A production study of prelateral back vowel mergers in Pacific Northwest English. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics, Portland, OR. |
Publications |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, American, Dialectology, English, Phonetics, Phonology, Sociolinguistics, Sociophonetics |
Opper, Michael and Alexander Sugar. To appear. “Truncation and Headedness in Chinese Compounding: A Dictionary-Based Study”. Proceedings of the 25th Annual North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Ann Arbor: MI: University of Michigan. Submitted 2013. |
Publications, Conference Proceedings |
Morphology, Phonology |
Henke, Eric; Kaisse, Ellen; Wright, Richard (2012) Is the Sonority Sequencing Principle an epiphenomenon? In S. Parker (Ed.) The Sonority Controversy. Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, pp. 65-100. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Phonology, Speech Perception |
Osterhout, Lee; Wright, Richard; Allen, M. D. (2010). The psychology of linguistic form. In P.C. Hogan (Ed.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language Sciences. |
Publications, Book Chapters |
Morphology, Perception and Cognition, Phonetics, Phonology, Sentence Processing, Syntax |