Faculty Guidelines and Policies

Add Codes

Faculty are responsible for distributing add codes. The program coordinator linguw@uw.edu orders these automatically for ASL and highly sought-after classes (LING 450, for instance). Please reach out to the program coordinator if you weren’t sent add codes automatically.

Academic Human Resources

Course Changes

In former years faculty have communicated course changes via email, but to ensure that your request is not overlooked in the belly of the email beast, we are changing to an online, trackable form! 

If you would like a course change once the time schedule is published, communicate that with Linguistics staff through our form. All changes must already be approved by the chair. Please do not send an email. Staff will be using just one system, the form, that will allow staff to track requests and monitor status.

Linguistics staff will work on the request, however, be aware that the change will be subject to the rules and regulations of the REGISTRAR'S office. The Registrar's office will make the final determination.


  • Politics at work
  • You may endorse a book or similar in your professional capacity, but not for a profit. Any course materials must not advocate or proselytize a specific political agenda or religion. 

Grants & Contracts

Please use the approval form to submit your intention to apply for a grant. The administrator can support you with budgeting and create a SAGE budget for you. Please submit the form at least a month before the sponsor deadline showing proof of payment and payment method.


  • Hourly hiring: faculty must have an approved hiring approval, submitted through the approval form, before extending an offer to anyone for any hourly work such as reader/grader to ensure the department complies with all HR policies. 
  • Hiring a consultant or paying an honorarium: faculty who would like to hire an outside consultant or pay someone an honorarium for guest speaking using their research, grant funds, or similar should submit the request to use the funds before extending the offer to the external party.

Room Reservations

Do you need to reserve the conference room (GUG 415L)? A tentative schedule for the conference room may been seen here. 

Owl Reservation Calendar

Do you want to reserve the department Owl (remote meeting microphone/camera equipment)? Find the reservation calendar here. (Editable by faculty, viewable by students.)

Share News With Us: Communications

Do you have news or information to share with the UW Linguistics community? Let us know, and we will add it to our newsletter and media sites.

Use of Personal Resources and Social Media

Any use of one’s personal social media accounts, texting or apps should be kept to one’s personal business. Anything in any format that has been made by, or received by, or used by any agency of the state of Washington in connection with the transaction of public business is a record and must be managed in compliance with records retention and destruction as well as public records freedom of information statutes. Washington State defines a record as information regardless of physical form or characteristics. Chat/instant messages, tweets, texts and any other forms of written communication are subject to retention requirements and to public records requests. Because it is so difficult to capture these communications, we strongly advise not using them for approvals or to provide customized or unique advice to a student or employee. Those messages are best relayed through email.

Like email, the content of the message determines the retention. Generally, most if not all of these messages can be considered transitory and will fall under the listing for 'email you can delete' according to the UW Email Best Practices.

If approvals or unique advice is communicated to a student or employee via instant message, text, or a tweet, we advise that the conversation be saved to a more robust records repository (such as a network shared drive or an official UW email account) and be retained based on its retention on the UW Records Retention Schedule. Contact recmgt@uw.edu or 206-543-0573 for help identifying a specific record series.

This includes information stored on personal devices. Please use UW-issued laptops and devices.

Use of UW Resources

UW resources ought to be used only for UW business, with de minimus personal use.


ASL and other highly sought-after classes automatically have waitlists created in Catalyst and are linked to the Time Schedule. The instructor (if known) has administrative privileges to the Catalyst survey and should just enter the link in the Time Schedule into a web address bar to access the waitlist.

After checking the Time Schedule and confirming there is not a waitlist already, if you need a waitlist created, contact linguw@uw.edu.

Merit Procedures and Criteria

The written merit guidelines that were approved by vote on 10/06/2023 can be found here.
