Professional Organizations
- Linguistic Society of America (the department will cover your membership! Depending on availability and funding, of course)
- Linguist List
- Acoustical Society of America
- International Phonetic Association
- Association for Laboratory Phonology
- Slavic Linguistics Society
- Generative Linguistics in the Old World
- The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- International Speech Communication Association
- IEEE Signal Processing Society and Speech and Language Technical Committee
- American Association for Applied Linguistics
- International Gender and Language Association
- American Dialect Society
- Society of Caribbean Linguistics
- Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics
Citation Tools (not an exhaustive list)
- Library guide on citation management software
- Web of Science(restricted to peer reviewed journal articles and books)
- Google Scholar(promiscuous citation index - not restricted)
- Often a UW Libraries search will be sufficient.
General Linguistics Resources
- All Things Linguistic- a regular blog and veritable rabbit hole of linguistic resources, including teaching materials, slides, activities, videos.
- LingAlert- subscribe for conference announcements (a leaner, sparser version of LINGUIST List).
- Lingbuzz- unpublished manuscripts, sometimes very provocative new research
- Rutgers Optimality Archive (ROA) - similar to Lingbuzz, but research in OT only (and not just phonology)
- UNC page on conferences- very important to read and reference: not all conferences were created equal.
- LINGUIST List- still the best resource for conferences and job postings in Linguistics.
- PHOIBLE- a repository of cross-linguistic phonological inventory data.
- WALS - World Atlas of Linguistic Structure. Go-to for cool maps showing distribution of language features.
- Famous linguists’ blogs: Language Log; David Adger, Norbert Hornstein, Arnold Zwicky, Kai von Fintel
- Every linguist should email Noam Chomsky at least once.
- TROLLing- The Tromsø Repository of Language and Linguistics: an open access archive of linguistic data and code (intro video)
UW has access to many corpora:
- BYU Corpora - includes COCA, and a dozen other easily-searchable English and Spanish corpora with historical, genre, domain information etc.
- Quranic Arabic Treebank- entire Quran (beautifully) treebanked in dependency grammar.
- UCLA’s Voice Project- recordings and corresponding text grids for languages with various types of voice quality.
- Drawing trees: Treeform (WYSIWYG/drag-n-drop), phpSyntaxTree (easy bracket notation)
- Parsers: Minimalist Machine (parser for minimalist syntax), XLFG parser
- English Resource Grammar demo
- DELPH-IN parsers & grammars
- Semantics: The Lambda Calculator(fun! Play with predicate calculus derivations when you take Semantics 2!)
- Recruiting: Mechanical Turk guide (resources within)
- Wikibooks page is excellent with lots of snippets
- The classic Essex guide
- LSA page of LaTeX for linguistics
- Detexify- handwrite a symbol, get the LaTeX code! Handy for IPA!
- Dynamic OT Tableau generator
- UW Dissertation LaTeX template
- Brent’s LaTeX tutorials
Deep Learning tutorials and resources
- CS224 Language Processing with Deep Learning for CS224 Language Processing with Deep Learning at Stanford.
- LSTM by Example using TensorFlow (Towards Datascience)
- Recurrent Neural Networks in Tensorflow II (R2RT)
- RNNs in Tensorflow, a Practical Guide and Undocumented Features
- Aymericdamien's Tensorflow-Examples Github
- Advanced dynamic seq2seq with TensorFlow
- A quick tutorial to Tensorflow
- Epochs vs. Batch Size vs. Iterations
- Cheat Sheets for AI, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Deep Learning & Big Data
- The Goodfellow, Bengio, and Courville textbook on deep learning is available for free
- For more hands-on resources, comis a nice blog that has sample code for deep learning, mostly with Keras
- Embed, encode, attend, predict: The new deep learning formula for state-of-the-art NLP models
- A Neural Probabilistic Language Model
- Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
- Recurrent Neural Network Grammars
- A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processing
- The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
- Deep Learning for NLP with Pytorch
- ML in NLP blogs:
- Word Embeddings - (The author has made an entire 4-5 blog series)
- Transfer Learning -
- Deep Learning in NLP -
- Multi-Task Learning -
- Optimization and Gradient Descent -
- Another excellent site with easier to understand blogs -
- Reinforcement Learning -
- Excellent from scratch MOOC -
Just for fun...
- Linguistics Paper Bot on Twitter
- SpecGram- “The Onion” of linguistics
- #Whatshouldwecalllinguistics
- The Cats of UW Linguistics
- Bad Conlang Ideas