Richard Wright, PI. Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of WDRC Amplification III - Adaptation to distortion |
Projects and Grants |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics, Perception and Cognition, Phonetics, Speech Perception |
Gina Levow, Emily Bender, Co-PIs. "EL-STEC: Shared Task Evaluation Campaigns with Endangered Language Data." National Science Foundation. IIS: #1500157, $49,997 |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages |
Richard Wright, PI. Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of WDRC Amplification II |
Projects and Grants |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics |
"The Use of Phonologically-Motivated Distinctive Features for Computational Acoustic Characterization of Dysarthric Speech", Hong Kong SAR Research Grants Council General Research Fund. PI: Helen Meng. Co-PIs: Gina-Anne Levow, Patrick Wong |
Projects and Grants |
Phonetics, Phonology, Speech Processing, Speech Recognition |
Transfer Learning Across Language Similarity NetworksKatrin Kirchhoff, Gina Levow, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Leanne Rolston, Camille Goudeseune and Preethi Jyothi; DARPA LORELEI |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics |
Mari Ostendorf (PI), Emily M. Bender (Co-PI), and Mark Zachry (Co-PI). LiCORICE Project. 2009-2011. |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Sociolinguistics |
Richard Wright, PI. Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of WDRC Amplification I |
Projects and Grants |
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics |
"STREAMLInED: Shared Tasks for Rapid, Efficient Analysis of Many Languages in Emerging Documentation." National Science Foundation. BCS: #1760475, Amount: $124,986. Levow/Bender |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages |
Richard Wright, Mari Ostendorf, Co-PIs. Modeling Idiosyncrasies of Speech Prosody for Automatic Spoken Language Processing |
Projects and Grants |
Speech |
National Science Foundation #BCS-1631993, “Executive control in sentence production”. PI: Nazbanou Nozari, Johns Hopkins University; Co-PI: Akira Omaki, University of Washington. $577,408. 2016-2019 |
Projects and Grants |
First Language Acquisition, Sentence Processing |
National Science Foundation #BCS-1423117, “Development and adaptation of active dependency completion mechanisms”. PI. $391,214. 2014-2018 |
Projects and Grants |
First Language Acquisition |
Jeffrey Bilmes, Katrin Kirchhoff, Howard Chizeck, James Landay, Patrica Dowden, Richard Wright, Co-PIs. The Vocal Joystick. |
Projects and Grants |
Disability, Human-computer Interaction, Phonetics, Speech |
Mari Ostendorf, Richard Wright, Gina Levow, Co-PIs. ATAROS Project: Automatic Tagging and Recognition of Stance. |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Phonetics |
Richard Wright, PI. PHOIBLE: Phonetics Information Base and Lexicon. |
Projects and Grants |
Phonetics, Phonology |
Alicia Wassink, PI. English in the Pacific Northwest Study. |
Projects and Grants |
English, Linguistic Geography, Sociolinguistics |
Fei Xia and Emily M. Bender, Co-PIs. AGGREGATION Project: Automatic Generation of Grammars for Endangered Languages from Glosses and Typological Information. |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages, Grammar Engineering, Low-density Languages, Machine Learning, Typology |
Betsy Evans, PI. Seattle to Spokane: Mapping English in Washington State. |
Projects and Grants |
Culture, Language Attitudes, Linguistic Geography, Speech Perception |
Emily M. Bender, PI. LinGO Grammar Matrix. |
Projects and Grants |
Computational Linguistics, Grammar Engineering, Head Phrase Structure Grammar, Semantics, Syntax, Typology |