Abagyan, Diana |
Professional Master's Student |
dabagyan@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Low-density Languages, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Societal Impacts of Language Technology, Translation and Interpretation |
Anand, Maurya |
Professional Master's Student |
anand14@uw.edu |
Anaya, Steven |
Professional Master's Student |
sranaya@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Grammar Engineering, Japanese, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Semantics, Sentence Processing, Syntax, Translation and Interpretation |
Bacon, Mark |
Professional Master's Student |
mbacon78@uw.edu |
Bales, Eli |
Professional Master's Student |
elibales@uw.edu |
Ball, Catherine |
Professional Master's Student |
catball@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science |
Bechler, Melody |
Professional Master's Student |
mbechler@uw.edu |
Bi, Sheng |
Professional Master's Student |
shengbi@uw.edu |
Brandt, Clara |
Professional Master's Student |
clarasb@uw.edu |
Caffey, Catherine |
Professional Master's Student |
cacaffey@uw.edu |
Chang, Anastasia Jing |
Professional Master's Student |
jing1016@uw.edu |
Chang, Zixiao |
Professional Masters Student |
zichang@uw.edu |
Chen, Ju-Hui |
Professional Master's Student |
juhuic@uw.edu (503)995-5700 |
Bilingualism, Culture, First Language Acquisition, Language Development, Machine Translation, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics, Psycholinguistics, Speech Recognition |
Cheng, Freddy |
Professional Master's Student |
nlp5566@uw.edu |
Cheng, Long |
Professional Master's Student |
lcheng97@uw.edu |
Cols, Jose |
Professional Master's Student |
jcols@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Grammar Engineering, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing |
Cortes, Paula |
Professional Master's Student |
mpcortes@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Phonetics, Phonology, Sociolinguistics, Sociophonetics, Speech Processing, Speech Recognition |
Crowther, Carly |
Professional Master's Student |
carlyc88@uw.edu |
Davenport, Jonathan |
Professional Master's Student |
jmeld@uw.edu |
Davis, Niticon |
Professional Master's Student |
niticon@uw.edu |
African Languages, Cognitive Science, Endangered Languages, Low-density Languages, Minimalist Theory, Natural Language Processing, Psycholinguistics, Speech RecognitionNoam Chomsky, Quantum-Classical Hybrid Neural Networks, Ethics |
Dong, Edward |
Professional Master's Student |
exd@uw.edu |
Edwards, Rachel |
Professional Master's Student |
rke4@uw.edu |
Elkamhawy, Mohamed |
Professional Master's Student |
mohame@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language ProcessingResponsible AI |
Forrester, Richard |
Professional Master's Student |
raf2936@uw.edu |
Gao, Kexin |
Professional Master's Student |
kexing66@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Grammar Engineering, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language ProcessingSpanish |
Garrity, Nora |
Professional Master's Student |
ngarri3@uw.edu |
Guo, Yuqing |
Professional Master's Student |
yu922@uw.edu |
Hernandez, Abimael |
Professional Master's Student |
abimaelh@uw.edu |
Hevia, Anthony |
Professional Master's Student |
hevia@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Human-computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Programming, Societal Impacts of Language Technology, SoftwareKnowledge Graphs, Biomedical NLP |
Hong, Jeongyeob |
Professional Master's Student |
yeob@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Semantics |
Huang, Annie |
Professional Master's Student |
annie0@uw.edu |
Huber, Claire |
Professional Master's Student |
clhuber@uw.edu |
Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Human-computer Interaction, Language and Cognition, Language Development, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Phonetics, Social Networks, Speech Processing |
Jiang, Jonathan |
Professional Master's Student |
jjiang85@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Human-computer Interaction, Natural Language Processing, Pragmatics, Semantics, Sino-Tibetan Languages, Societal Impacts of Language Technology, Sociolinguistics |
Kashyap, Madhav |
Professional Master's Student |
madhavmk@uw.edu |
Kendrick, Crystal |
Professional Master's Student |
crystken@uw.edu |
Kim, Sehyun |
Professional Master's Student |
sehkim@uw.edu |
Ko, Allison |
Professional Master's Student |
koallis@uw.edu |
Koh, Nina |
Professional Master's Student |
nbkoh@uw.edu |
Langford, Danielle |
Professional Master's Student |
danilang@uw.edu |
Li, Chenxi |
PhD Student |
cl91@uw.edu 2064096043 |
Computational Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition |
Lim, Ian |
Professional Master's Student |
ianclim9@uw.edu |
Liu, Chenxin |
Professional Master's Student |
chenxinl@uw.edu |
Liu, Tom |
Professional Master's Student |
ltxom@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Grammar Engineering, Head Phrase Structure Grammar, Japanese, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, Translation and Interpretation |
Louie, Mimi |
Professional Master's Student |
amlouie@uw.edu |
Lowy, Rachel |
Graduate Student |
rlowy@uw.edu |
Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Pragmatics, Second Language Acquisition, Speech Processing, Speech RecognitionAlternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) |
Luedke, Emily |
Professional Master's Student |
eluedke@uw.edu |
Ma, Alonso |
Professional Master's Student |
amatake@uw.edu |
Mainzinger, Julia |
Professional Master's Student |
jmainz@uw.edu |
American Indian/Native American, Endangered Languages, Language Documentation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Sino-Tibetan Languages, Software, Speech, Speech Recognition |
Malesevic, Matej |
Professional Master's Student |
matejmal@uw.edu |
Marar, Vanesa |
Professional Master's Student |
vanmarar@uw.edu |
Maris, Alex |
Professional Master's Student |
alexmar@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Semantics |
McCausland, Juliana |
Professional Master's Student |
jumc1469@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Machine LearningEmergence |
McHugh, David M.S. |
Professional Master's Student |
dsmchugh@uw.edu |
Merchant, Libby |
Professional Master's Student |
emercha@uw.edu |
Societal Impacts of Language TechnologyToxicity & hate speech, Responsible AI, Figurative language, EdTech |
Mills, Jackson |
Professional Master's Student |
jcksn@uw.edu |
Morrison, Heather |
Professional Master's Student |
hmorri83@uw.edu |
Nash, Martin |
Professional Master's Student |
mjnash@uw.edu |
Okada, Elizabeth Snell |
Professional Master's Student |
esokada@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Grammar Engineering, Head Phrase Structure Grammar, Japanese, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Semantics, Syntax, Translation and Interpretation |
Ou, Shu |
Professional Master's Student |
sjou@uw.edu |
Pai, Avani |
Professional Master's Student |
apai3@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, First Language Acquisition, Japanese, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Programming |
Pai, Priyanka |
Professional Master's Student |
pai95@uw.edu |
Parikh, Dwija |
Professional Master's Student |
dwija@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Natural Language Processing |
Phoreman, Jade |
Professional Master's Student |
jphore@uw.edu |
Pollack, Michael |
Professional Master's Student |
uwmpp@uw.edu |
Pong, Benjamin |
Professional Master's Student |
benpong@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Grammar Engineering, Head Phrase Structure Grammar, Natural Language Processing, TypologyFormal Linguistics, Computational Semantics |
Pornavalai, Santichai |
Professional Master's Student |
santipo@uw.edu |
Presant, William |
Graduate Student |
wpresant@uw.edu |
Ravichandra, Ritika |
Professional Master's Student |
ritzjwa@uw.edu |
Ressler, Timothy |
Professional Master's Student |
resslert@uw.edu |
Reymond, Amelie |
Professional Master's Student |
attr@uw.edu |
Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Language and Cognition, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Philosophy of Language, Semantics, Societal Impacts of Language Technology |
Rike, Juliette |
Professional Master's Student |
juliri@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Phonetics, Societal Impacts of Language Technology |
Ro, Ron |
Professional Master's Student |
r0ron@uw.edu |
Roesler, David |
Professional Master's Student |
droesl@uw.edu |
Rogers, Kyle |
Professional Master's Student |
kyleroge@uw.edu |
Ruditsky, Keren |
Professional Master's Student |
krudit@uw.edu |
Salgi, Helen |
Professional Master's Student |
hvs278@uw.edu |
Sanders, Kevin |
Professional Master's Student |
kevsan@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages, Natural Language Processing, Phonetics, Phonology, Speech Processing |
Schimka, Natasha |
Professional Master's Student |
nschim2@uw.edu |
Scott, Michael |
Professional Master's Student |
mkscott@uw.edu |
African American, Human-computer Interaction, Machine Translation, Prosody, Semantics, Sentence Processing, Sociolinguistics, Speech Processing |
Sharaf, Ibrahim |
Professional Master's Student |
ibshar@uw.edu |
Sharma, Divy |
Professional Master's Student |
divy@uw.edu |
Sharma, Sanjana |
Professional Master's Student |
ss2803@uw.edu |
Shuai, Zoe |
Professional Master's Student |
zoeshuai@uw.edu |
Silva, Anita |
Professional Master's Student |
silvaa5@uw.edu |
Singh, Manisha |
Professional Master's Student |
manishas@uw.edu |
Singh, Sunny |
Professional Master's Student |
sunnyss1@uw.edu |
Bilingualism, Computational Linguistics, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Speech Recognition, Syntax |
Skinner, Lindsay |
Professional Master's Student |
skinnel@uw.edu |
Smith, Christina |
Professional Master's Student |
csmith79@uw.edu |
Su, Dongqi |
Professional Master's Student |
sudongqi@uw.edu |
Computer ScienceLanguage Representation |
Sun, Sabrina |
Professional Master's Student |
sabris5@uw.edu |
Cognitive Science, Computational Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Speech Processing |
Tampakis, Nikitas |
Professional Master's Student |
tampakis@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Human-computer Interaction, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Phonology, Prosody |
Tanaka, Gregory |
Professional Master's Student |
greytana@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Field Research Methods, Low-density Languages, Optimality Theory, Phonetics, Phonology, Second Language Acquisition, Speech Perception, Speech Processing, Speech Recognition |
Thukral, Shivin |
Professional Master's Student |
shivin7@uw.edu |
Tripi, Ross |
Professional Master's Student |
rtripi@uw.edu |
Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Pragmatics, Programming, Semantics, Sentence Processing |
Tsai, Allan |
Professional Master's Student |
yltsai@uw.edu |
Tsering, Tashi |
Professional Master's Student |
tashi0@uw.edu |
Tu, Yaa-Lirng |
Professional Master's Student |
lingtu@uw.edu (908)698-2730 |
Bilingualism, Computational Linguistics, Korean, Low-density Languages, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Pragmatics |
Vahadi, Melody |
Professional Master's Student |
mvahadi@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Endangered Languages, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Semantics, Societal Impacts of Language Technology, Speech Processing, Speech Recognition |
Vecht, Alyssa |
Professional Master's Student |
avecht@uw.edu |
Wang, Jessica Chu Mei |
Professional Master's Student |
Wang, Leroy |
Professional Master's Student |
lryw@uw.edu |
Wang, Lexie |
Professional Master's Student |
lexwang@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Programming, Semantics |
Wang, Qingyang |
Professional Master's Student |
qwangs@uw.edu |
Wang, Sam |
Professional Master's Student |
sgwang@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science |
Wang, Xilong |
Professional Master's Student |
xilonw@uw.edu |
Warzecha, Josh |
Professional Master's Student |
jmwar73@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Indo-European Languages, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Translation and InterpretationSemitic Languages |
Willborn, Jane |
Professional Master's Student |
iamjane@uw.edu |
Willrich, Clevis |
Professional Master's Student |
willrich@uw.edu |
Grammar Engineering, Japanese, Korean, Morphology, Natural Language Processing, Pragmatics, Second Language Acquisition, Syntax |
Wilson, Jenny |
Professional Master's Student |
jenwils@uw.edu |
Wong, Michel |
Professional Master's Student |
michelw@uw.edu |
Wu, Ruotong |
Professional Master's Student |
ruw@uw.edu (202)361-3116 |
Computational Linguistics, Computer Science, Grammar Engineering, Human-computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Programming, Software, Speech Processing |
Wueger, Tara |
Professional Master's Student |
taraw28@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Endangered Languages, Grammar, Grammar Engineering, Head Phrase Structure Grammar, Low-density Languages, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Societal Impacts of Language Technology, Syntax |
Xiang, Vicky |
Professional Master's Student |
xinyix7@uw.edu |
Yang, Chenxi |
Professional Master's Student |
yangcx@uw.edu |
Ye, Shuying |
Professional Master's Student |
yemulin@uw.edu |
Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Semantics, Syntax |
Yeditha, Meheresh Sai |
Professional Master's Student |
myeditha@uw.edu |
Computer Science, Historical Linguistics, Human-computer Interaction, Language Policy, Machine Learning, Machine Translation, Natural Language Processing, Philosophy of Language, Sociolinguistics, Speech Perception |
Zaborna, Yulia |
Professional Master's Student |
izabor@uw.edu |
Zavala, Tony |
Professional Master's Student |
tonyzav@uw.edu |
Zhao, Christine |
Professional Master's Student |
czhao028@uw.edu |
Zhao, Jianqiao |
Professional Master's Student |
zhaojq@uw.edu |