
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kye, Ted K. (2023). Dialectal differences in Lushootseed vowels. In Proceedings of the 58th International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, 58, 219-229. Publications, Conference Proceedings
Kelley, M. C., & Tucker, B. V. (2022). Using acoustic distance and acoustic absement to quantify lexical competition. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(2), 1367-1379. Publications, Journal Articles
Kye, Ted K. (2021). Effects of Uvular Consonants on Vowel Quality in Lushootseed. In Journal of Anthropological Linguistics, 63(3), 292-317. Publications, Journal Articles
Kye, Ted K. (2021). Ejective Typology: The Case of Lushootseed. In Papers for the International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, 56, 154-166. Vancouver, BC: UBCWPL, 2021. Publications, Conference Proceedings
Fulop, Sean; Wright, Rrichard (2020). Chapter 7 Recording and Measuring Acoustic Attributes of Clicks. In Bonny Sands (Ed.), Click Consonants. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, pp. 241-274. doi: Publications, Book Chapters
Souza, Pamela; Gallun, Frederick; Wright, Richard (2020). Contributions to speech-cue weighting in older adults with impaired hearing. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, pp. 334–344. DOI:10.1044/2019_JSLHR-19-00176 Publications, Journal Articles
Squizzero, R. (2018, April). Bull or bowl? A production study of prelateral back vowel mergers in Pacific Northwest English. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics, Portland, OR. Publications
Squizzero, R. (2018, April). Bull or bowl? A production study of prelateral back vowel mergers in Pacific Northwest English. Paper presented at the biennial meeting of the Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics, Portland, OR. Publications, Conference Proceedings
Gina-Anne Levow, Valerie Freeman, Alena Hrynkevich, Mari Ostendorf, Richard Wright, Julian Chan, Yi Luan, Trang Tran. (to appear) Recognition of Stance Strength and Polarity in Spontaneous Speech, in Proceedings of SLT-2014. Publications
Gina-Anne Levow, Valerie Freeman, Alena Hrynkevich, Mari Ostendorf, Richard Wright, Julian Chan, Yi Luan, Trang Tran. (2014) Recognition of Stance Strength and Polarity in Spontaneous Speech. In Proceedings of SLT-2014 (to appear). Publications
Souza, P., Gehani, N., Wright, R., and McCloy, D. (2013). The advantage of knowing the talker, Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, Volume 24, Number 8, pp. 689-700.  Publications, Journal Articles