News Archive

Image Title Published
Award Recipients
Linguistics awards Excellence in Linguistics Research Graduate Fellowship for 2016
Olga Zamaraeva
Olga Zamaraeva awarded Labex EFL Mobility Grant to conduct her research in computational morphology in France
ASL Instructors
Interest in ASL program continues to rise with Autumn classes filled within a week of registration.
Visualizing Ambiguous Sentences
UW Linguistic Graduate Students and Post-Docs Explore Language with Young Researchers at Paws on Science at the Pacific Science Center
Akira Omaki
UW Linguistics welcomes Dr. Akira Omaki this Summer 2016
Ellen Kaisse
Colloquium in Honor of Prof. Ellen Kaisse on May 6 in Petersen Room
Picture of Alli Germain awarded Fulbright
Alli Germain is offered a Fulbright to do research in Lithuania
Seattle Deaf Film Festival 2016 April 1-3
Experience Deaf Culture at the 3rd annual Seattle Deaf Film Festival (SDFF)
Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics 2016 logo
Cascadia Workshop in Sociolinguistics: New Works from the Pacific Northwest 
The NWLC 2016 Committee group picture
Preparations for NWLC 2016 Underway 
Emily Bender
Emily Bender to serve as Chair of the Executive Board of NAACL
Linguists vote for Word of the Year 2015
UW Faculty and Grads at LSA 2016 
LSA logo by Brent Woo
UW Linguistics graduate students and faculty participate in LSA annual meeting in Washington DC 
Tibusungu Vavayana and Richard Wright
Tibusungu Vayayana and Richard Wright present talk on Tsou language of Taiwan at "Language Shift in the Sinophone World" Workshop
Study Abroad: Bantu base Afrika
Guggenheim Hall
NACLO 2022 Invitational Round at the University of Washington on March 17, 2022
Alec Sugar
Alec Sugar is awarded Confucius Institute Scholarship to study at Fudan University in China
Julia Herschensohn completes 15-year term as Chair of Linguistics on June 30th
 Linguistics awards Excellence in Linguistics Research Graduate Fellowship for 2015
 Gina-Anne Levow teaches session for 2015 Jelinek Summer Workshop on Speech and Language Technology
Edith Aldridge teaches course at 2015 Linguistics Summer Institute
2016 Linguistics Reception for New Graduates takes place on Wednesday, June 8th, at the UW Club
Linguistics Annual Reception for New Graduates takes place on Tuesday, June 9, at the Colleen Room of the UW Club
Katie Manlove receives Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship
Deaf history lecture by Dr. MJ Bienvenu on May 8 at Kane Hall:  "Bringing Back Gallaudet's Sesquicentennial Celebration With a Focus on the 15 Visionary Leaders"