News Archive

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UW Linguistics grads present at NWLC 31 this weekend in Victoria
Linguistics graduate student participates in 3rd annual Spring Research Symposium hosted by UW Stroum Center for Jewish Studies
UW Linguistics grads teach kids about language at Paws-on Science event at Pacific Science Center
UW Linguistics graduate student awarded MSR Graduate Women's Scholarship
Routledge website
UW Linguistics sociolinguist Betsy Evans featured author on Routledge website
4th Annual Undergraduate Colloquium - April 10th, 2015
NACLO 2015 at the University of Washington
Is there a Pacific Northwest accent? UW sociolinguist's interview appears on KUOW website
Alicia Beckford Wassink gives Invited Plenary Address at Linguistics Society of America's annual meeting in Portland
UW Linguistics PhD candidate's poster featured in ASA, AIP press release
Celebrate International Ladino Day on Dec. 4th!
Graduate Student Sarala Puthuval receives Li Fang-Kuei & Hsu Ying Graduate Fellowship Award
Swearing and Taboo Language course featured in October 2014 Perspectives
Dr. Beth Benedict Presents ASL Talk at Kane Hall on Oct. 24
50th Anniversary banner
Department of Linguistics 50th Anniversary
UW campus in Seattle
9th Annual Slavic Linguistics Society Conference this September
Graduate student Rachael Tatman receives fellowship from National Science Foundation
Study Abroad program explores multilingual society in South Africa
Congratulations to faculty member Lance Forshay