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Alicia Beckford Wassink gives Invited Plenary Address at Linguistics Society of America's annual meeting in Portland |
UW Linguistics PhD candidate's poster featured in ASA, AIP press release |
Celebrate International Ladino Day on Dec. 4th! |
Graduate Student Sarala Puthuval receives Li Fang-Kuei & Hsu Ying Graduate Fellowship Award |
Swearing and Taboo Language course featured in October 2014 Perspectives |
Dr. Beth Benedict Presents ASL Talk at Kane Hall on Oct. 24 |
Department of Linguistics 50th Anniversary |
9th Annual Slavic Linguistics Society Conference this September |
Graduate student Rachael Tatman receives fellowship from National Science Foundation |
Study Abroad program explores multilingual society in South Africa |
Congratulations to faculty member Lance Forshay |