News Archive

Image Title Published
Esther Le Grezause Dissertation Committee
Esther Le Grézause Defends Dissertation Entitled "Um and Uh, and the Expression of Stance in Conversational Speech"
Laura Panfili
 Laura Panfili Receives the Graduate School Presidential Dissertation Fellowship for 2017
Lydia Castro and Richard Wright
 Lydia Castro Presents Poster Entitled "The Acoustics of Deceit" at 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium
2017 PhD Grads at Annual Party
Linguistics Celebrates 2017 PhD Graduates at Annual Recognition Party at UW Club
Marina Oganyan with Committee
 Linguistics PhD Candidate Marina Oganyan Successfully Defends Dissertation
Rachael Tatman and Richard Wright
Congratulations Linguistics PhD Graduate Rachael Tatman!
Undergraduate Research Symposium
Linguistics Undergraduates Present at 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium  
Linguistics Service Recognition Celebration
Linguistics Service Recognition Celebration
Martin Horst Husky 100
Undergraduate Martin Horst named to Husky 100
Dr. Carol Padden
Current Studies in American Sign Language: Dr. Carol Padden Lecture
Ryan Cross Memorial Fellowship
 Fellowship in Memory of CLMS Alumnus Ryan Cross
LSA Statement on the US Presidential Elections
KUOW image
ASL Language Director Lance Forshay Signs the Constitution
Edith Aldridge
Edith Aldridge Awarded Nostrand Endowed Professorship
The 24th Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA)
Goodbye Clarissa
Thank you and best wishes to Clarissa Surek-Clark
2016 PhDs
Congratulations 2016 Graduates!
Award Recipients
Linguistics awards Excellence in Linguistics Research Graduate Fellowship for 2016
Olga Zamaraeva
Olga Zamaraeva awarded Labex EFL Mobility Grant to conduct her research in computational morphology in France
ASL Instructors
Interest in ASL program continues to rise with Autumn classes filled within a week of registration.
Visualizing Ambiguous Sentences
UW Linguistic Graduate Students and Post-Docs Explore Language with Young Researchers at Paws on Science at the Pacific Science Center
Akira Omaki
UW Linguistics welcomes Dr. Akira Omaki this Summer 2016
Ellen Kaisse
Colloquium in Honor of Prof. Ellen Kaisse on May 6 in Petersen Room
Picture of Alli Germain awarded Fulbright
Alli Germain is offered a Fulbright to do research in Lithuania
Seattle Deaf Film Festival 2016 April 1-3
Experience Deaf Culture at the 3rd annual Seattle Deaf Film Festival (SDFF)