
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Publication brochure from J. Benjamins for Bilingualism, Language Development and Processing across the Lifespan Publications, Books
Conrod, K. (2020). Pronouns and Gender in Language. In K. Hall and E. Barrett (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Language and Sexuality. Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190212926.013.63 Publications, Book Chapters
Sugar, Alexander; Abulimiti, Zaoreguli. Severing idiosyncratic case from the lexical verb in Uyghur-Chinese code switching. Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America, [S.l.], v. 4, p. 15:1-15, mar. 2019. ISSN 2473-8689. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 mar. 2019. doi: Publications, Conference Proceedings
Conrod, K. (2017) ”Names Before Pronouns: Variation in Pronominal Reference and Gender.” University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics: Northwest Linguistics Conference 2017, Vancouver, BC. Publications, Conference Proceedings
Siegel, Melanie, Emily M. Bender, and Francis Bond. 2016. Jacy: An Implemented Grammar of Japanese. Stanford: CSLI. [.bib] Publications
Frederick Newmeyer. "Syntactic Change: Between Parameters and Fuzzy Grammar." In Tor Åfarli and Brit Maehlum (eds.), The Sociolinguistics of Grammar. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2014. 37-66. Publications, Journal Articles
Frederick Newmeyer. "Where Do Motivations Compete?" IIn Brian MacWhinney, Andrej Malchukov and Edith A. Moravcsik (eds.), Competing Motivations in Grammar and Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 299-314. Publications, Journal Articles
Frederick Newmeyer and Laurel B. Preston. Measuring Grammatical Complexity. Oxford: Oxford UP,  2014. Publications, Books
Frederick Newmeyer. ‘Parentheticals and the Grammar of Complementation’. In Stefan Schneider, Julie Glikman, and Mathieu Avanzi (eds.), Parenthetical verbs. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2014. Publications, Journal Articles
Arteaga, D., & Herschensohn, J. (2013). A Diachronic View of Old French Genitive Constructions. In Research on Old French: The State of the Art (pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Publications, Book Chapters