Masters Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Katherine E King. "Mixed Gender Agreement in Russian DPs." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2015. Graduate, Masters Theses
Mary K. FitzMorris. (2014). "The Last Generation of Native Ladino Speakers? Judeo-Spanish and the Sephardic Community in Seattle."  MA Thesis, University of Washington. Masters Theses
William S. Robinson. "Counterfactuals in Context: Felicity conditions for counterfactual conditionals containing proper names." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2014. Graduate, Masters Theses
Sarala Puthuval. "Loanwords, prominence and the basis for Mongolian vowel harmony." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2013. Graduate, Masters Theses
Varvara Viktorovna. "Markers of contrast in Russian: A corpus-based study." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2013. Graduate, Masters Theses
Glenn C Slayden. "Array TFS storage for unification grammars." Master's Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Yin Li. "Two Kinds of Mandarin Applicatives and Their Passivization Pattern." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Francesca Gola. "An analysis of translation divergence patterns using PanLex translation pairs." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Glenn C. Slayden. "Array TFS storage for unification grammars." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Prescott Klassen. "Calculating LLR Topic Signatures with Dependency Relations for Automatic Text Summarization." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Joshua Crowgey. "The Syntactic Exponence of Sentential Negation: a model for the LinGO Grammar Matrix." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Stella M. Podgornik. "Automatic Detection Of Language Levels in L2 English Learners." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Kyoko Sano. "Rhetorical Counterfactuals." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Spencer T. Rarrick. "Machine Translation Detection and Automatic Filtering of Web-Extracted Parallel Corpora." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Russell L. Tanenbaum. "Rethinking the syntactic constraints on Fuzhou tone sandhi: a Distributed Morphology-based approach." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Jason L. Shaw. "Learning for Resource-Poor Languages: Building a Language-Independent Model for Frame-Semantic Annotation." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Rachel Elizabeth Schirra. "Attitudes Toward Korean-Accented and Korean American English." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Anthony M. Wong. "Interface Between the Cluster Controller and the Pixel Processor of the Proteus System." MS Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Liyi Zhu. "Retroflex and Non/retroflex Merger in Shanghai Accented Mandarin." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2012. Graduate, Masters Theses
Valerie Freeman. "Using acoustic measures of hyperarticulation to quantify novelty and evaluation in a corpus of political talk shows." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2010. Graduate, Masters Theses
Riebold, J. M. (2009). Creak in the Rain: Phonation in Oregon English. Master’s Major Research Paper, YorkUniversity, Canada. Masters Theses
Meghan Oxley. "(ay) Monophthongization in Deer Park, Texas."  MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2009. Graduate, Masters Theses
Kelly O'Hara (CLMA) "A Morphotactic Infrastructure for a Grammar Customization System" 2008. Graduate, Masters Theses
Jessica Giesler. "A conflicting-cue study examining the relative strengths of consonant transition cues as affected by vowel, noise and position." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2003/2004. Graduate, Masters Theses
Darik Olson. "Lone nouns in Spanish / English mixed discourse: code switches or borrowings?, a variationist analysis." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2003/2004. Graduate, Masters Theses