Contact Information
Dr. Bender has a been a member of the faculty at the University of Washington since 2003. She is currently a Professor in the Department of Linguistics, an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, the faculty director of the CLMS program, and the director of the Computational Linguistics Laboratory. Prior to coming to UW, she held temporary positions at Stanford University and UC Berkeley, and worked in industry at YY Technologies. She received her PhD from the Linguistics Department at Stanford University, where she joined the HPSG and LinGO projects at CSLI. Her AB (also in Linguistics) is from UC Berkeley, and she has also studied at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan.
Follow me on twitter at @emilymbender
Selected Research
- Gina Levow, Emily Bender, Co-PIs. "EL-STEC: Shared Task Evaluation Campaigns with Endangered Language Data." National Science Foundation. IIS: #1500157, $49,997
- Howell, Kristen, Olga Zamaraeva, and Emily M. Bender. 2018. Nominalized Clauses in the Grammar Matrix. In Müller, Stefan and Frank Richter, eds. Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, pp.68-88. University of Tokyo.
- Levow, Gina-Anne, Emily M. Bender, Patrick Littell, Kristen Howell, Shobhana Chelliah, Joshua Crowgey, Dan Garrette, Jeff Good, Sharon Hargus, David Inman, Michael Maxwell, Michael Tjalve, and Fei Xia. 2017. STREAMLInED Challenges: Aligning Research Interests with Shared Tasks. In Proceedings of ComputEL-2: 2nd Workshop on Computational Methods for Endangered Languages, ICLDC 2017, Honolulu Hawai`i. [.bib]
- Hovy, Dirk, Shannon Spruit, Margaret Mitchell, Emily M. Bender, Michael Strube, and Hanna Wallach. 2017. (eds). Proceedings of the First ACL Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing. EACL 2017, Valencia, Spain. [.bib]
- Siegel, Melanie, Emily M. Bender, and Francis Bond. 2016. Jacy: An Implemented Grammar of Japanese. Stanford: CSLI. [.bib]
- Bender, Emily M. 2016. Linguistic Typology in Natural Language Processing. Linguistic Typology 20(3):645-660.
- Bender, Emily M., Stephen Clark and Tracy Holloway King. 2015. Computational Syntax. In Kiss, Tibor and Artemis Alexiadou, eds. Syntax--Theory and Analysis. An International Handbook. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Bender, Emily M., Dan Flickinger, Stephan Oepen, Woodley Packard and Ann Copestake. 2015. Layers of Interpretation: On Grammar and Compositionality. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2015), London. pp.239-249.
- Goodman, Michael Wayne, Joshua Crowgey, Fei Xia and Emily M. Bender. 2015. Xigt: Extensible Interlinear Glossed Text for Natural Language Processing. Language Resources and Evaluation 49(2):455-485.
- Xia, Fei, William D. Lewis, Michael Wayne Goodman, Joshua Crowgey, and Emily M. Bender. 2014. Enriching ODIN. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)
- Flickinger, Dan, Emily M. Bender and Stephan Oepen. 2014. Towards an Encyclopedia of Compositional Semantics: Documenting the Interface of the English Resource Grammar. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)
- Bender, Emily M. 2014. Language CoLLAGE: Grammatical Description with the LinGO Grammar Matrix. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference of Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2014)
- Packard, Woodley, Emily M. Bender, Jonathon Read, Stephan Oepen and Rebecca Dridan. 2014. Simple Negation Scope Resolution through Deep Parsing: A Semantic Solution to a Semantic Problem. Proceedings of ACL 2014, Baltimore, MD.
- Bender, Emily M., Joshua Crowgey, Michael Wayne Goodman and Fei Xia. 2014. Learning Grammar Specifications from IGT: A Case Study of Chintang. Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages, ACL 2014, Baltimore, MD.
- Zamaraeva, Olga and Emily M. Bender. 2014. Focus Case Oustide of Austronesian: An Analysis of Kolyma Yukaghir. In Müller, Stefan, ed.Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, University at Buffalo. pp.176-196.
- Mari Ostendorf (PI), Emily M. Bender (Co-PI), and Mark Zachry (Co-PI). LiCORICE Project. 2009-2011.
- "STREAMLInED: Shared Tasks for Rapid, Efficient Analysis of Many Languages in Emerging Documentation." National Science Foundation. BCS: #1760475, Amount: $124,986. Levow/Bender
- Flickinger, Dan, Stephan Oepen and Emily M. Bender. In press. Sustainable Development and Refinement of Complex Linguistic Annotations at Scale. In Ide, Nancy and James Pustejovsky (eds), Handbook of Linguistic Annotation Science. Springer.
- Xia, Fei, William D. Lewis, Michael Wayne Goodman, Glenn Slayden, Ryan Georgi, Joshua Crowgey and Emily M. Bender. In press. Enriching a Massively Multilingual Database of Interlinear Glossed Text. Language Resources and Evaluation.
- Fei Xia and Emily M. Bender, Co-PIs. AGGREGATION Project: Automatic Generation of Grammars for Endangered Languages from Glosses and Typological Information.
- Emily M. Bender, PI. LinGO Grammar Matrix.
Research Advised
- Benjamin Peters. "Building a Precision Grammar of Meithei." Honors Thesis, U of Washington, 2013/2014.
- Sanghoun Song. "A Grammar Library for Information Structure." Diss. U of Washington, 2014.
- Varvara Viktorovna. "Markers of contrast in Russian: A corpus-based study." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2013.
- Steven Moran. "Phonetics Information Base and Lexicon." Diss. U of Washington, 2012.
- David Goss-Grubbs. "Deep Processing for a Portable Natural Language Interface to Databases." Diss. U of Washington, 2010.
- Scott Drellishak. "Widespread but Not Universal: Improving the Typological Coverage of the Grammar Matrix." Diss. U of Washington, 2009.
- Kelly O'Hara (CLMA) "A Morphotactic Infrastructure for a Grammar Customization System" 2008.
- Joshua Hou. "Creating a Precision Grammar of Lillooet/St'at'imcets." Honors Thesis, U of Washington, 2007/2008.
- Laurie Poulson. "Evaluating a Cross-linguistic Grammar Model: Methodology and Test-suite Resource Development." MA Thesis. U of Washington, 2006/2007.
Courses Taught
Winter 2025
Autumn 2024
Winter 2024
Autumn 2023
Spring 2023
Winter 2023
Autumn 2022
Winter 2022
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