PhD Alumnus

Fields of Interest
Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Washington, 2018
M.A., English (TESOL), University of Washington, 2013
M.A., Linguistics, University of Washington, 2009
B.A., English, Washington State University, 2005
Curriculum Vitae
(38.49 KB)
I am interested in the syntax (diachronic and synchronic) of dialects and minority languages spoken in China. My current research centers on relative clauses, reduplicative classifiers, and the internal structure of nominal arguments in Mandarin and Cantonese.
Additionally, I explore both theoretical and practical issues in Second Language Acquisition. I study the role of Universal Grammar in the acquisition of syntax and Sociocultural Approaches to learning and development. On the practical front, I am interested in pedagogical grammar, vocabulary teaching, and computerized dynamic assessment.