Winter 2025 Linguistics Newsletter

Dear Friend of Linguistics,

As we enter the New Year, we remain committed to creating opportunities that expand our students’ worldviews and prepare them to be responsible members of an interconnected global society. To that end, I am reaching out to ask for your financial support of the Friends of Linguistics Fund or one of our other funds.

Support for the Friends of Linguistics Fund is crucial. It allows us to:

  • invite prominent speakers and scholars to present at our colloquia
  • sponsor public events such as Ladino Day and ASL Day
  • provide research support for graduate students and faculty
  • foster community building within the department such as end of year commencement
  • sponsor and host conferences and events
  • fund student and faculty participation in conferences

By making a gift to Friends of Linguistics, you are investing in meaningful learning opportunities for UW Linguistics students and our community. We couldn’t do it without you!
On behalf of our students, I thank you for your support and wish you all the best for the New Year.

Richard Wright
Chair and Professor

Our students and faculty have been busy during fall quarter! Here are some hightlights:  Ty Gill-Saucier presented a poster ‘A primer into the lexical and phonological origins and roots of Mississippi Gulf Coast French: A study based on Linguistic Atlases at New Ways of Analyzing Variation 52 (NWAV) in Miami Beach, Florida.     Andrew Hedding, together with Michele Yuan from UCLA, presented a talk "Distinct pathways to possessor A’-extraction in Mesoamerican" at… Read more
Congratulations to Alicia Beckford Wassink on being elected the Vice President/President-Elect of the Linguistic Society of America. The LSA, established in 1924, is the oldest and most prominent professional association of linguists in the United States, whose mission is to advance the scientific study of language and to disseminate linguistics scholarship for the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society.   In Alicia… Read more
Congratulations to Emily Bender on receiving the Thomas L. and Margo G. Wyckoff Endowed Faculty Fellowship in recognition of her sterling research, institutional and professional leadership, and invaluable public-facing scholarship and advocacy. This fellowship rotates between all four divisions of the College of Arts and Sciences and is reserved for the most distinguished faculty.
Congratulations to Trent Ukasick on receiving the 2024 Graduate Research Excellence Award! Here's more about Trent’s research in his own words: "I received the Department Excellence Award for Autumn 2024, which has helped enormously with my research. The award gave me the opportunity to focus full time on writing my dissertation and has allowed me to stay on track for my expected defense in Spring 2025. During the 2023-2024 academic year, I carried out fieldwork in China, where I developed an… Read more
The Department of Linguistics had a couple of booths at the DeafNation Expo in Seattle on Saturday, October 19th.  The ASL program gave away used ASL and Deaf culture books that were given to our program.  We also gave away a hundred ASL program brochures and husky stickers.  We met so many people, high school ASL students and teachers who asked about our program.  It was a great networking experience and sharing awareness with the Deaf community.  All of our ASL… Read more
The Department of Linguistics had a couple of booths at the DeafNation Expo in Seattle on Saturday, October 19th.  The ASL program gave away used ASL and Deaf culture books that were given to our program.  We also gave away a hundred ASL program brochures and husky stickers.  We met so many people, high school ASL students and teachers who asked about our program.  It was a great networking experience and sharing awareness with the Deaf community.  All of our ASL… Read more
On November 8–9, 2024, the 4th Sound Systems of Latin America conference was held at the University of Washington campus. The event gathered 54 participants and featured 23 presentations, along with plenary talks by guest speakers Gabriel Gallinate and Professor Gabriela Caballero. Covering topics ranging from phonetics and phonology to morphosyntax, discourse analysis, field research methods, and indigenous cultures, the conference highlighted a diverse array of languages and language families… Read more