UG Linguistics Society

Submitted by Joyce Parvi on

At the beginning of 2022, Professor Myriam Lapierre launched the Linguistics Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (LURAP), and suggested the founding of an undergraduate version of the Linguistics Society of University of Washington (LSUW). Thus was formed the Undergraduate Linguistics Society at the University of Washington (ULS@UW).  One of the founding members of ULS@UW, Deslatte “Latte” Artime, writes:

“We seek to foster a community of students seeking linguistic opportunities, resources, and discussions. We want to make linguistics accessible at UW through social events, activities, and community outreach. We have biweekly meetings on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm in Savery Hall 164. We also host social events and educational activities, like boba socials and tours of the phonetics lab to showcase the amazing equipment used here at UW. Our club is open to all majors and class standings, and we encourage anyone interested in any aspect of language to join us in the celebration of linguistics at UW. To ensure that our meetings are driven by our community, we ask our members for feedback by putting out polls and taking suggestions for what kinds of events we should host each quarter.”
