LING 372 A: Language and Translation

Winter 2023
TTh 11:30am - 1:20pm / SAV 132
F 11:30am - 12:20pm / DEN 112
Section Type:
Joint Sections:
NEAR E 596 B , JEW ST 215 A , SPAN 294 A , NEAR E 296 B
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

NEAR E 296 B / NEAR E 596 B - Elementary Ladino

JEW ST 215 A - Ladino Language and Culture

SPAN 294 A - Special Topics In Spanish Literary/Cultural Studies 

Dr. Canan Bolel
T/Th 11:30-1:20 / Savery Hall 132
F 11:30-12:20 / Dempsey Hall 124
Office hours: Th 10:30-11:30 / Denny 237


Ladino (also known as Judezmo or Judeo-Spanish) is the traditional language of Sephardim, descendants of the Jews expelled from the Iberian Peninsula who settled in many parts of the world. 

This is an introductory course for students who wish to begin their study of Ladino. It introduces students to the Ladino language, Sephardic culture, and cross-cultural encounters throughout the Balkans, Eastern Mediterranean, and the Middle East. In addition to the fundamental grammatical features of the language, students will start building a vocabulary base by exploring various primary source materials (both in Rashi and its Romanization). 

Conducted in English and Ladino, this language and culture class introduces listening, speaking, and writing skills with an emphasis on reading

This course is part of a two-course sequence and is a requirement for the Spring 2023 course “Guided Readings in Ladino.” 


—   This course has no specific prerequisites. 

—   We will use both English and Ladino in class, as appropriate.

—   For students unfamiliar with the history of Ladino-speaking Jewish communities, the historical background will be given in the first week and throughout the course during lectures.

— On Fridays (Dia de la kultura) we will focus on various aspects of the Sephardic culture through songs, stories, and recipes.  

Ladino Syllabus

GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 8, 2025 - 5:23 pm